Set the click attribute with the jQuery's click() function.
var attributes = {
"id": "xxx",
"href": "https://localhost/widget/TabTest.aspx#"
var link = $.create("a", attributes);
$(link).append("xxxx").click(function(){ alert("HELLO"); });
What you did will likely work in some browsers but not others (I'd had that work in FF but fail in IE). Generally, if jQuery has a function to do something, use it.
In response to Adam Backstrom's comment on the question I figured I'd better offer an alternative. When I've done this in the past, I did it like this:
$("#someplace").wrapInner("<a href='#'></a>");
$("#someplace a").click(function() {
From the comments to this post, how to do this in one line (not always in the best idea):
$("<a id='xxx' href='https://localhost/widget/TabTest.aspx#'>xxxx</a>")
.click(function() { alert("Hello"); })