The scenario is that we have a client/server app with the client install being a bootstrapper using Inno Setup that downloads the client from the server specified by IP/Port number. We'd like to be able to detect if there is a server on the local network via UDP broadcasting, and can write a console app that does that. Problem is, how do we pass the information from the console app to the installer?
I can capture the return code, but that can only be an int. As far as I can tell, the only functions to read file in Inno Setup is in the preprocessor so we can't read a file created at runtime by the console app. The only thing I can think of is to return an int where the first 4 digits are the position of the '.'s and : before the port and then parse out the value, which seems hackish, flimsy, and error prone, especially considering I'm not intimately familiar with Inno Setup syntax/functions for constructing a string.
Any suggestions?