I'll hit refresh on my page 20 times and it will work, then a few minutes later it stops working for 5min. The tableadapter says that it has a count of 1 but when i access a property eg : tableadapter1[0].property1 it throws an exception:
[StrongTypingException: The value for column 'blogpull_keywords' in table 'blogpull' is DBNull.]
but when i run the Stored proc behind that method in SQL Management it doesn't return any nulls just data.
careers.jobdepartmentDataTable dtDepartments = new jobdepartmentTableAdapter().GetDepartmentByJobID(iJobID);
if (dtDepartments.Count > 0)
iDepartmentID = dtDepartments[0].job_department_id; //thows error here
Context.Response.Write("error info: " + iJobID.ToString());