Problem: how to combine fixed heights with flexible page layout?
- "bodyDiv" height needs to be : 100% of ( window.innerWidth less ?px ).
- "a" & "b" height need to be : 50% of ( body.div.height less ?px ).
<div id="headerDiv" style="height:?px">fixed height</div>
<div id="bodyDiv" style="height:100%">flexible height
<div id="a" style="height:50%">flexible height</div>
<div id="x" style="height:?px">fixed height</div>
<div id="b" style="height:50%">flexible height</div>
It's been fully worked out in JavaScript, but it looks terrible on page load and resize events because it's too slow, even though I've given my best to optimize this for speed.
CSS expressions are not an option either, since to my knowledge that would be restricted to IE 5-7 anyway.
So, after spending 3 days trying to fix this by using any combination of negative and positive margins, I finally have to admit defeat by finally asking for public help.
Thanks for reading this! Jörg Schaper