I am writing a Perl script that is searching for a term in large portions of text. What I would like to display back to the user is a small subset of the text around the search term, so the user can have context of where this search term is used. Google search results are a good example of what I am trying to accomplish, where the context of your search term is displayed under the title of the link.
My basic search is using this:
if ($text =~ /$search/i ) {
print "${title}:${text}\n";
($title contains the title of the item the search term was found in) This is too much though, since sometimes $text will be holding hundreds of lines of text.
This is going to be displayed on the web, so I could just provide the title as a link to the actual text, but there is no context for the user.
I tried modifying my regex to capture 4 words before and 4 words after the search term, but ran into problems if the search term was at the very beginning or very end of $text.
What would be a good way to accomplish this? I tried searching CPAN because I'm sure someone has a module for this, but I can't think of the right terms to search for. I would like to do this without modules if possible, because getting modules installed here is a pain. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!