




I want to let users iterate through my dictionary without modifying it.

I considertwo solutions:

1.ReadOnlyDictionary -- is there an implementation of that available?

2.Copy the entire dictionary -- what is the most efficient way to copy it ?



Expose an enumeration(IEnumerable).

Edit: Example:

class A : IEnumerable<B>
  public IEnumerator<B> GetEnumerator ( )
    return _dictionary.GetEnumerator ( );
  private Dictionary<B> _dictionary;
please show an example?
+1  A: 

If you only want to provide enumeration, you could expose it as IEnumerable of the Key/Value pair type. However, this obviously restricts some of the read-only tasks that can be performed.

Another option is to write a new class, derived from IDictionary<TKey, TValue> that provides read-only access by mapping those calls through to your real, wrapped dictionary, and throwing exceptions on any modifying calls like Add.

Jeff Yates
+3  A: 

The easiest way to do this would probably be to implement your own collection that is a wrapper around a Dictionary, something along the lines of:

public class ReadOnlyDictionary<T, U>
    private IDictionary<T, U> BackingStore;

    public ReadOnlyDictionary<T, U>(IDictionary<T, U> baseDictionary) {
        this.BackingStore = baseDictionary;

    public U this[T index] { get { return BackingStore[index]; } }

    // provide whatever other methods and/or interfaces you need
you should consider makeing your ReadOnlyDictionary inherit IDictinary.
+2  A: 

Keep in mind that your values will not be read only with the solutions provided for wrapping a Dictionary with only a property getter; For example:

ReadOnlyDictionary<int, Employee> readOnlyDict = GetDictionaryHoweverYouLike();
ReadOnlyDictionary[5].EmployeeName = "Ooops"

To do that you will also need to wrap your values in a read only wrapper class.

Chris Shaffer
why not just copy values?
It depends how expensive your values are to copy
Orion Edwards