Hi, we have a web application that, started out small, any new features that were added on, were just made as part of the same project, however now we would like to create new projects for these said addons...
we created a new project, it inharits the global.asax of the main project, and also accesses the web.config of the main project just fine, however, in the global asax code there's session checking for data integrity, to see if the user is logged in.. this is where we are getting issues.. the user is logged in, but the site errors out stating that they arnt logged in, because the addon project cannot access the session user id that is set by the main project.
currently we are not using a session state server, or sql state server, and we would like to avoid it to avoid any headaches for some of the older code.
also we dont want to go the route of mutexes.. want to stay away from windows coding if we can as well...
site outline of what happens with the session: user logs in with asp code ( .net 1.1 code) user is authenticated and successfully logged in, sends a guid for that user to a database, the main project( .net 2.0 code) grabs that guid, grabs the users data and stores the user id in the session. any page that requires knowing who the user is, gets it from the session("userid")
so: we create another project that inheirits the global.asax, can access the web.config - DONE!
what we want to do on top of this: have this new project contain a page (addon feature from the main project) have this page access the session("userid") that is set from the main project. - NOT SURE HOW TO DO THIS...