I am having problem with escaping the single and double quotes inside the href
s javascript function -
I have this javascript code inside href
- its like -
<a href = "javascript:myFunc("fileDir/fileName.doc" , true)"> click this </a>
Now, since double quotes inside double quote is not valid - I need to escape the inner double quotes for it to be treated as part of the string - so, i need to do this -
<a href = "javascript:myFunc(\"fileDir/fileName.doc\" , true)"> click this </a>
The problem is, even the above code is not working -
the javascript is getting truncated at -- myFunc(
I tried with single quote variation too - but even that doestnt seem to work - (meaning that if I have a single quote inside my string literal then the code gets truncated -)
This is what I did with single quote -
<a href = 'javascript:myFunc("fileDir/fileName.doc" , true)'> click this </a>
this works - BUT If I have a single quote inside the string then the code gets truncated in the same way as that of double quotes one.