I have a data class with the following methods:
- ExecuteUDIQuery(string query)
- ExecuteSelectQuery(string query)
- ExecuteSP(string anme, string[,] params)
I have a lot classes which use the data class. Now i want to create a class diagram, but i don't know what kind of relation the classes have with the data class. Is it a composite? Is it 1:1 or .. ?
An example of a class which use the data class is the Staff class. This class has a method Load(), which will load a staff object with the Id of the staff member. This method contains a query which is passed to the ExecuteSelectQuery(string query) method of the Data class.
EDIT: The data class isn't static. However, i have my doubts. I actually don't know what to. The point is, the only thing it does is executing queries and returning the results.