



I am pretty sure it doesn't, but... Do extention properties exist? Will they exist? Anyone heard anything? I would love it if they did... I mean, are they not just technically a get and a set method?

Now for example I would love it if I could add an extention property to DateTimeFormatInfo called ShortDateLongTimeFormat which returned ShortDatePattern + " " + LongTimePattern...

+17  A: 

No they do not exist in C# 3.0 and will not be added in 4.0. It's on the list of feature wants for C# so it may be added at a future date.

At this point the best you can do is GetXXX style extension methods.

Similarly with generic properties: you have to use 'GetXXX<>' syntax.
Jay Bazuzi
ok, that's what I thought. @Jay, yeah, I hate that too, hehe. Especially the inability to have a generic indexer... *sigh*
Link to list of feature wants?
Dan Esparza
+10  A: 

No, they don't exist.

I know that the C# team was considering them at one point (or at least Eric Lippert was) - along with extension constructors and operators (those may take a while to get your head round, but are cool...) However, I haven't seen any evidence that they'll be part of C# 4. As for C# 5 and onwards - I think it's too early to speculate.

Jon Skeet
IMO they wont add anything of value. How would you handle the setter? The purpose of properties is to 'hide the field'.
Yes, and they could still hide the field - setting a single property might set two properties underneath, or vice versa. (Imagine something with a normal Size property, and Width/Height extension properties, or vice versa.) They'd be more useful as read-only ones though, I suspect.
Jon Skeet
You can't bind to extension methods... being able to add your own properties for databinding could be helpful in many situations.
Nick, that's where you use TypeCpnverter and PropertyDescriptors :)
@Jon: Hooray for double side-effects! :) I'd rather not.
@leppie: I agree that most of the time that's not what you want. I wouldn't be surprised to find some useful situations though. And as I say, most of the time I'd want them as read-only properties.
Jon Skeet

Is () too much extra to type?

This question is about extension properties, but you want to challenge the merit of properties in general? Pointless.
Jay Bazuzi
yes they are. cause the () to me signify a method, which is an action, a verb.
-1: If you don't have an answer, don't answer. If you use methods, you can't only add (). You have to implement two methods, a getter and a setter. The implementation takes some more effort, they don't match what you normally expect in C#, you need two different names for the methods, and the name must be a verb ("Get...", "Set...").
+1  A: 

No they do not exist. As for why, I don't know...

See also this SO topic.


@leppie: There are situations where extension methods just won't cut it. For instance, I wish I could define an extension property for the IgnoreAttribute type that comes with the Microsoft unit testing framework, so I can include a Reason property that gets set in the attribute. Right now, I'm using a comment to include this reason, but that is significantly more difficult to pull out of the code programmatically, than just querying a Reason property on the attribute object.

Of course, I can understand the extra difficulty of implementing this, from Microsoft's perspective... where, for instance, will the values of these extension properties be stored? :)

Kenneth LeFebvre
@Kenneth: You're reply is supposed to be a "comment" on leppie's answer, not an individual answer. Just so you know...
Thanks.... I'm still getting familiar with Stack Overflow.
Kenneth LeFebvre

Not an answer to the question but might be interesting still:

Property extensions in C# 5.0

// A product type in this sample has a property Name of type String
var product = new Product();

// This will print "Product.Name.IsDirty: False"
Console.WriteLine("Product.Name.IsDurty: {0}", product.Name.IsDirty);

// Now let's try to update product's Name property
product.Name = "T-Short";

// And now this will print "Product.Name.IsDirty: True"
Console.WriteLine("Product.Name.IsDurty: {0}", product.Name.IsDirty);

// Then when you try to save this product in database, it will be easier
// for your Store Repository detect which fields must be saved
// and which can be skipped

Koistya Navin
While interesting, this question deals with the property equivalent of extension methods. The keywords here may match, but they are of an entirely different meaning!
Anthony Pegram
The blog post referenced is complete supposition and represents a *possible* (although highly unlikely) implementation. Extension properties have been considered several times before and don't "make the cut" to be included in the language and probably won't for a good while since there are usually bigger features that have much larger impact.
Scott Dorman

This is why they don't exist.

  • Not enough time
  • Turned out to not really solve the problems they were thought to be solving
