I have a situation where there is a selectOneMenu that has a value bound to a backing bean.
I need to have a button that doesn't update model values (that is why it has immediate="true" property).
That button's action method changes the value the selectOneMenu is bound to, but when the page is redisplayed the original value is displayed (the one that was submitted) and not the one set in the action method.
Any ideas why that is happening?
If I didn't explain the problem good enough please let me know.
EDIT: As requested here is the source code in question:
page code:
<h:selectOneMenu id="selectedPerson"
<s:selectItems var="op" value="#{bean.allPersons}"
label="#{op.osoba.ime} #{op.osoba.prezime}"
<f:converter converterId="unmanagedEntityConverter" />
<a4j:commandButton action="#{bean.createNew}" value="#{messages.createNew}"
immediate="true" reRender="panelImovine">
java code:
private Person selectedPerson;
public String createNew() {
log.debug("New created...");
selectedPerson = null;
bindings.getSelectPersonComponent().setSubmittedValue(null); //SOLUTION
return "";
The solution is in the lined marked SOLUTION :)