



I'm doing a custom authentication method that uses a light session object to hold a user's authorization details. Now I want each page (mainly child pages of masters) to be able to tell whether a user should have access to the page.

Should I create a page class and derive the child pages from that?

What's the best way for the application to know which roles have access to which page?


If you need much flexibility in authorization, you'd better go with a custom page class. Otherwise, Web.config should be enough.

Mehrdad Afshari

If you plug it with a custom role provider, you can actually rely on the configuration for this. There is a method that lets you check whether the user is authorized to access a given page:

     "~/admin/test.aspx", principal, "GET"

You then get to use normal approach on web.config to configure authorization. When doing so, if the pages are in the same folder, you can just add a web.config to that folder and configure authorization appropriately.


In same scenarios I put the pages that need authentication in a folder and I define location element in web.config to configure authentication like that :

<location path="protected">
          <deny users="?"/>

I don't like the base page approach. To me it's too late for check the security stuff. You can create your own HttpModule to check that, either storing the authorization information in a database/xml/... or reading it using reflection on the page.

The context.Handler will hold the class Page you are executing. Thus you can do something like this:

I copy a part of the code I use, it checks roles, public pages, skips the check for images and scripts (but you could do it as well):

    // In the HttpModule:
 public void context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
  HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

  // Don´t validate permissions if the user wasn´t allowed by the security
  // Neighter the advanced (custom) permissions are validated for non ASPX files.
  if (!context.Request.FilePath.EndsWith(".aspx") || !context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

  // Give full access to the unathorized error page, and logins, and so on...
  string pageClass = context.Handler.GetType().BaseType.FullName;

  string param = context.Request["p"];
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param))
   pageClass += "@" + param;

  if (SecurityService.IsFullTrustClass(pageClass))

  if (SecurityService.Context.CurrentPerson == null)

  // Verify access permissions for the current page
  IList<Role> roles = SecurityService.Context.CurrentPerson.Roles;
  bool allow = SecurityService.HasAccessPermission(pageClass, roles);

  if (!allow)
Diego Jancic