



Is there a BitTorrent client written completely (I mean completely) written in C# ? I am aware of the BitTorrent clients written in mono, I absolutely love it.

Are there any other opensource BitTorrent clients other than MonoTorrent & BitSharp written in C# which is under development?

Just wondering how much of an interest an "opensource bit torrent client in C#" would generate amongst C# programmer folks out there.

EDIT: Do check out Michael Stum's Pumpkin torrent on

@Michael: thanks for sharing the project url.

@Allan: thanks for MonoTorrent ;)

+8  A: 




John Ellinwood
AB Kolan
Wikipedia doesn't know of any:
How is "written on Mono" a bad thing? It compiles to the same CIL. Provided that you have all the dependencies installed, you can run it unmodified on Windows. Or you could take the backend bits and build a WinForms/WPF GUI on top.
And by "run it on Windows" I mean specifically "run it on MS .NET".
"written on mono" is never a bad thing. It just I was looking for something on MS .Net I appreciate your response.
AB Kolan
+8  A: 

MonoTorrent is wonderful client and server library. There is a GUI written on GTK# - Monsoon for now it runs only at Linux. If you have a time to spend you could write a WPF GUI or with little modification to port Monsoon to Windows.

Look for Alan McGovern for more information.

+2  A: 

What makes you think it's basic? ;) It sports more advanced features than a lot of other open (and closed) source torrent libraries. I think you've very much underestimated what monotorrent offers.

AB Kolan
@Alan - And yes, Honest Apologies
AB Kolan
+6  A: 

Unfortunately i don't have 50 reputation to add comments, so I have to write another answer. My question was directed at this comment:

"but honeslty I feel it's still got a long way to go to be on par with other opensource bit torrent clients."

What features do you feel are missing that makes it inferior to other libraries/clients? An incomplete list of features includes:

1) 100% platform independent 2) IPV6 support 3) Super-seeding 4) A full bittorrent tracker 5) DHT 6) Peer exchange (utorrent style) 7) Encryption 8) Memory cache 9) Prioritised downloading 10) Selective downloading (technically this is just a subset of Prioritised downloading) 11) Fast Peer extensions 12) Local peer discovery, 13) Ban lists (whitelisting/blacklisting of IPs at the same time) 14) Magnet link downloads 15) Endgame mode 16) Libtorrent extension protocol 17) rate limiting (per torrent/global) 18) Http seeding (webseeding) - getright style 19) Individual file relocation 20) What else do you want ;)

So, is it just a case of you not realising the full potential of monotorrent or are there features missing that you consider critical? If so, patches are always welcome.

""written on mono" is never a bad thing. It just I was looking for something on MS .Net"

I think you misunderstand. MonoTorrent/bitsharp does build and run on MS.NET ;) All you have to do is check the code out from SVN, open MonoTorrent.sln and hit F5.

Hope that helps.

AB Kolan
It looked like you were asking for a feature rich bittorrent library and monotorrent didn't suit your needs ;) So if that's not what you were asking, what *are* you asking? Anyway, the only other thing I can add is that monotorrent is the only opensource .NET bittorrent library out there :)