


4 Why these samples not working, anyone faced the same thing and have a fast solution to make it work?

The solution is compiling and the default page is opening normal in FireFox but when i click on the button nothing happen And in IE the button not appearing at all


i got it, because my Flash version is 10 and SWF is not working with Flash player 10 as its not allowed in Flash player 10 to call a swf file, so the solution for that i putting the object its self on the page and make it as a button to make the user click on the object its self.

Amr ElGarhy
If you use the new builds from the google code site it works just fine with flash 10

I am having the same problem. Can you please explain your answer in more detail. Maybe provide a code sample? Thanks!

Nathan Fast
My problem was that i had flash player version 10, and in this version adobe disabled calling the flash object from javascript, so the flash button should be visible and let the user click on it not on a html element above.
Amr ElGarhy
Thanks for your reply. Could you provide a code sample of how you would make the flash button visible, and how you would make it so the user clicks on it and not on an html element above?
Nathan Fast
+1  A: 

I was having this issue but what fixed it for me was getting the newest version of the swfupload controls. I didnt realize that the stuff you download off google source had the .net stuff in it as well, i was using the out of date controls off the .net page on their website.

if you go to get the "SWFUpload [version number]" and it has .net stuff in it, which i was able to get working just fine.

+1  A: 

something to note with the SWFUploader is that although there is a .Net test project its a little miss leading and dose quite a lot more than is really required, its great if you want to upload images but dosnt have the progress bar or allow file uploads

to get any of the PHP demo working with .Net just make a file called upload.aspx to replace the upload.php with the following code in.

        // Get the data
        HttpPostedFile postedfile = Request.Files["Filedata"];

        postedfile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(".\\") + postedfile.FileName);

        // If any kind of error occurs return a 500 Internal Server error
        Response.StatusCode = 500;
        Response.Write("An error occured");


and change the the default page name to html or .aspx and change the call inside to your new save script.

it will now save the files in the root of the website.
