



I'm using xml comments to document public as well as internal and private members of my components. I would like to package the generated documentation xml files with component assemblies in order to enable "rich" (e.g. with method, exceptions and parameter descriptions) Visual Studio Intellisense with the end product. The problem with it is that the C# compiler creates documentation entries for everything (including internal classes, methods, private fields of internal enums etc.) and there seems to be no switch to "only public members" mode.

Now I don't want to go over 50 files with XX methods in each and remove all comments for private and internal members. Even if I did that, I probably would not have much success with auto-gen'd resource files, because these strongly-typed resource classes are automatically commented and non-public.

My question is: is there some option/flag that I'm overlooking? If no, are there some tools that could help separate public members from the rest (before I start to code one)?

+1  A: 

What tool are you using to generate the documentation? I use Sandcastle and that gives you the option to select members to include by accessability.

In general it seems expected that the XML would contain all info that could be needed and its up to the processing tool to select from it what is needed.

I'm not talking about SandCastle, but rather about the xml files, since this is how you can enable function and parameter description in VS Intellisense tooltips.