Okay so I've been working on this project for ages now and I thought I might share my findings with the world.
The IIS SMTP Server
All mails created using the IIS SMTP server are sent, in the first instance, to the Pickup Directory. If you are sending one mail then you will have to operate in Matrix time to actually ever see it there because it will probably just go, straight away.
On an individual mail's way out of the door it passes through the queue folder in IIS.
If you wanted to watch the Performance Counter to monitor this process you ould look at the "Remote Queue Length". (The reason for this is that the "Local Queue Length" monitors mails sent "Locally" within the network. "Remote" in this instance refers to "Outside into the world". The specific definition of "Local" escapes me as we send no local mail but I imagine it means queued to go to mailboxes contained within the specific installation of IIS on the server or any local grouping thereof.)
From an Exchange point of view it seems to be the equivalent of mails sent within the Exchange Domain and those sent out of that domain into the wider world.
Anyhow. The Remote Queue Length doesn't tell the whole story. You also have to look at the Remote Retry Queue, the number of Current Outbound Connections and, for belt and braces sake the actual number of files in the queue directory.
Here's why:
- Remote Queue: All messages that have not
yet been sent, however many times
this has been tried. The number of
mails currently assigned to any open
connections are not counted as they
are in a state of "being tried".
- Remote Retry Queue: All messages that
have not yet been sent that have, at
some point in the past, been assigned
to an open connection for delivery.
Obviously the delivery must have
failed or the message would have been
delivered. Any messages currently
assigned to an open connection for a
retry are not counted.
- Current Outbound Connections: Shows when the
server is attempting to send queued
mails, more than one message can be
assigned to an outbound connection.
Messages thus assigned are not
counted in either the Remote Queue or
the Remote Retry queue. Physical
- Files in the queue directory: This
shows the number of mails still in
the Queue directory. This will
decrease as mails are successfully
Example: If you have 0 outbound connections and 50 mails in the Queue directory then the Remote Queue, Retry Queue and Physical files will all read at 50. When a retry flag is raised (this is a setting in IIS) the number of connections increases and the number of mails in the queues decreases. Until a mail is delivered the number of physical files remains the same. However as more than one mail can be sent on a current connection 1 connection may result in Remote Queue and Retry Queue lengths of 47 or lower. If, during the retry event, any mails are successfully delivered the number of physical files in the Queue directory will then decrease. When the connection closes the queue counters should all stabilise again.
It is possible with .Net's Mail library to Specify a Pickup directory separate from the IIS default. Here you can queue mails and get a bespoke service to occasionally move the mails into the IIS directory where the IIS service will take over and send out queued mails.
To do this you will be looking for the SmtpClient object's "DeliveryMethod" property which should be set to SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory.
To actually set the SpecifiedPickupDirectory you should set the SmtpClient's PickupDirectoryLocation property.
When mails are delivered to this location they are stored as .eml files. The filename is a GUID. This means that multiple emails will be despatched in an essentially random order. You could, in theory, write code to address this situation if desired. The .eml file follows a standard format which can be read by opening the .eml in notepad. Parsing this will allow you to extract information for a log.
I hope this high level overview of the way the SMTP server in IIS works is of some assistance to someone in a similar position to the one I was in in March.