




I am creating an element with document.createElement(). Now how can I pass it to a function that only takes a Jquery object?


I can not use it, as the element has not been rendered in the page yet.

+17  A: 
var elm = document.createElement("div");
var jelm = $(elm);//convert to jQuery Element
var htmlElm = jelm[0];//convert to HTML Element
This works because jquery will take not only a string selector, but an existing jquery object, or any valid dom object as an argument to the main $() query function.
Samuel Meacham
What about the reverse? You have a jquery element and want to convert it to a dom element?
The reverse can be done by: http://johnjianfang.blogspot.com/2009/04/convert-jquery-object-to-dom-object.html
+8  A: 

What about constructing the element using jQuery? e.g.


creates a new div element, ready to be added to the page. Can be shortened further to


then you can chain on commands that you need, set up event handlers and append it to the DOM. For example

$('<div id="myid">Div Content</div>')
    .bind('click', function(e) { /* event handler here */ })
Russ Cam
actually i am getting the element from somewhere where i cant change the code