



Is there a way to fetch all the control using linq.

What I'll like to do is something like that (order the control by tab index) :

foreach (Control control in this.Controls.OrderBy(c => c.TabIndex)

I use that kind of query when I got a List<...>

I use c# and .Net 3.5

+1  A: 

ControlCollection only implements IEnumerable, not IEnumerable<T>. That's easy to fix though - add a call to Cast():

foreach (Control control in Controls.Cast<Control>()
                                    .OrderBy(c => c.TabIndex))

Or you could use a query expression, which will call Cast() where necessary:

var controls = from Control c in Controls
               orderby c.TabIndex
               select c;

foreach (Control control in controls)
Jon Skeet
Note: TabIndex is on WebControl, so replace all "Control" with "WebControl".
Chris Shaffer
TabIndex is also on WinControl.Thx for that quick answer!
Oops, spend all your time in one world and you forget the others exist :)
Chris Shaffer