To determine which window is open, you can query the Form.ActiveMDIChild property to get a reference to the currently active window. From there, you can do one of two things:
1) If you create your own custom Form class (FormFoo for example) that has a new public member function GetCopiedData(), then inherit all of your application's child forms from that class, you can just do something like this:
Assuming the GetCopiedData function will have the form-specific implementation to detect what text should be copied to the clipboard.
2) You can use inheritance to detect the type of form that is active, and then do something to get the copied data depending on the type of form:
Form f = this.ActiveMDIChild;
if(f is FormGrid)
} else if(f is FormText) {
That should get you started with finding the active window and how to implement a copy function. If you need more help copying out of a GridView, it may be best to post another question.