



Hi, It will be easier to explain with the next code (It's wrong, by the way):

  $selectGenre_sql = 'SELECT genreID FROM genres WHERE dbGenre = ?';

  if ($stmt->prepare($selectGenre_sql)) {
  // bind the query parameters
  $stmt->bind_param('s', $genre);
  // bind the results to variables
  // execute the query
  $genre = array();
   while ($stmt->fetch()) {
    $genre[] = $genres;

The code above gets the value from 'genreID' when 'dbGenre' is equal to '$genre'. And then store the results in an array. But i'ts not working. Why? I think because '$genre' is an array, so I need to loop trough it to get a different value from 'genreID' each time.

$genre is an enumerated array containing movie genres, for example:

[0] => Action [1] => Adventure [2] => Fantasy

I need to compare de value (like 'Action' for example)

The 'genres' table contains two columns: genreID (INT) and dbGenre (VARCHAR)

I just need each genreID (that is a number).... Lets say.. when dbGenre is equal to Action, then store the genreID in an array1, and then loop the $genre array to get the genreID for the next value and store it again in array1

How can I fix it?? I'm new to programming so please be as detailed as you can. Thanks!!


A few things.

  • Could it be is't because your overwriting the $genre var, try changeing it to $genreArray in the sedond case?
  • Make sure that the database is actually returning things (try it in phpMyAdmin or something similar)

  • Try processing like this:


 $genreId = -1;
  $genreArray[] = $genreId;
Pim Jager
I just need each genreID (that is a number).... Lets say.. when dbGenre is equal to Action, then store the genreID in the array, and then loop to get the genreID for the next array value..
ah okay, I'll edit my answer.
Pim Jager
+3  A: 

You can't bind an array to an SQL parameter. You can use a parameter in SQL in place of a single literal value. Not a list of values, or an expression, or a column name or table name.

To solve the task in your case, you can use either of two solutions:

First solution: loop over $genre array, bind each value one at a time, and execute the SQL query for each value.

if ($stmt->prepare($selectGenre_sql)) {
  $genre = array();
  foreach ($gengre as $genreID) {
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $genreID);
    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
      $genre[] = $genres;

Second solution: execute the query once, with multiple parameters, one for each value in the array. This requires some tricky code to build a variable number of ? placeholders in the SQL query, separated by commas.

$selectGenre_sql = 'SELECT genreID FROM genres WHERE dbGenre IN ('
 . join(',', array_fill(0, count($genre), '?')) . ')';

if ($stmt->prepare($selectGenre_sql)) {
  $genre = array();
  . . .

Also you need to get tricky calling bind_param() with a variable number of arguments based on the elements in your $genre array:

  . . .
  call_user_func_array( array($stmt, 'bind_param'), 
    array_unshift($genre, str_repeat('i', count($genre)));



  while ($stmt->fetch()) {
    $genre[] = $genres;

You might want to consider using PDO::mysql because it's easier to bind parameters from an array. The MySQLi interface is pretty awkward for this case.

Bill Karwin