Just read this interesting article by Omar on his blog Linq to SQL solve Transaction deadlock and Query timeout problem using uncommitted reads and at the end Javed Hasan started arguing with him about his solution to the nolock situation on a high volume site.
Here, the problem trying to solve is, from the sql sense we need to use Select statements with NOLOCK or use SET TRANSACTION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED, otherwise at high volume rows in DB will be locked and cause errors. The technology Omar used is Linq2Sql, so the question is how do we get this achieved in your C# data access code so the above does not happen?
Basically in the post, Omar comes to his solution by working and testing on real world site and with tools like SqlProfiler, whereas Javed Hasan comes to his solution with MSDN documents and Scott Hanselman's blog post etc.
Omar suggests using the following
using (var db = new DropthingsDataContext2())
var user = db.aspnet_Users.First();
var pages = user.Pages.ToList();
whereas Javed Hasan suggests
using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted }))
//Your db Operation
I'm very interested to know what you guys out there do on this particular issue on a high volume site like the StatckOverflow, or what did Jeff and their guys do in this regard?
Edit: After reading the first post, I want to point out a few things in Omar's post.
- he did run into connection problem with his approach but he solved it, see his post.
- more importantly he mentioned he tried the using ADO.NET Transaction way and even tried what Scott Hanselman wrote on his blog, but it is not working for high volume site, it degrades the performance quite a bit. Omar said this "System.Transactions has significant overhead. I have never been able to use it on a high volume website without making CPU go 100% and Req/sec come down to 1/10th. It's made for enterprise applications, not for high volume websites."