



Is there a way to convert a character to an integer in C?

for example, '5' -> 5


+7  A: 

Subtract '0' like this:

int i = c - '0';

The C Standard guarantees each digit in the range '0'..'9' is one greater than its previous digit (in section 5.2.1/3 of the C99 draft). The same counts for C++.

Johannes Schaub - litb
This answer would be better if you mentioned that a char is /already/ effectively an integer, albiet of implementation defined sign (ie, might be signed or unsigned), and is CHAR_BITS long.
i wasn't sure knowing that really helps him. but Chris made a good point with a..z being not contiguous necessarily. i should have mentioned that instead. now he's won the race :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
Yours is better because you've qualified your answer, though - Chris could very well have just made his stuff up. :)
thanks for the appreciation. i admit i wasn't sure about the state for C. so i looked up and 'cause i already was at it i pasted the reference into the answer :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
And that, sir, is why you've got a couple more points than me. :)
I don't make stuff up. :p
Chris Young
i believe you mate. i often find myself not pasting the reference to some standard section when giving answers either. but this time i looked up after answering and had the section numbers at hand, so it was easy to change my answer and add it in :) cheers
Johannes Schaub - litb
+1  A: 
char numeralChar = '4';
int numeral = (int) (numeralChar - '0');
Kevin Conner
`numeralChar - '0'` is already of type `int`, so you don't need the cast. Even if it wasn't, the cast is not needed.
Huh, yeah that would coerce, wouldn't it? Maybe Java has colored my perceptions. Or maybe I'm completely mistaken and it would even coerce in Java. :)
Kevin Conner
+14  A: 

As per other replies, this is fine:

char c = '5';
int x = c - '0';

Also, for error checking, you may wish to check isdigit(c) is true first. Note that you cannot completely portably do the same for letters, for example:

char c = 'b';
int x = c - 'a'; // x is now not necessarily 1

The standard guarantees that the char values for the digits '0' to '9' are contiguous, but makes no guarantees for other characters like letters of the alphabet.

Chris Young
Will this work with EBCDIC or other non-ASCII encodings?
Paul Tomblin
@Paul Tomblin: Yes for digits not letters, because, as I said in the answer, the standard guarantees '0' to '9' are contiguous but does not make such guarantees for other characters such as 'a' to 'z'.
Chris Young

You would cast it to an int (or float or double or what ever else you want to do with it) and store it in anoter variable.

Maybe I shouldn't have answered this one...

If it's just a single character 0-9 in ASCII, then subtracting the the value of the ASCII zero character from ASCII value should work fine.

If you want to convert larger numbers then the following will do:

char *string = "24";

int value;

int assigned = sscanf(string, "%d", &value);

** don't forget to check the status (which should be 1 if it worked in the above case).


Paul W Homer
char chVal = '5';
char chIndex;

if ((chVal >= '0') && (chVal <= '9')) {

    chIndex = chVal - '0';
if ((chVal >= 'a') && (chVal <= 'z')) {

    chIndex = chVal - 'a';
if ((chVal >= 'A') && (chVal <= 'Z')) {

    chIndex = chVal - 'A';
else {
    chIndex = -1; // Error value !!!
+4  A: 

If, by some crazy coincidence, you want to convert a string of characters to an integer, you can do that too!

char *num = "1024";
int val = atoi(num); // atoi = Ascii TO Int

val is now 1024. Apparently atoi() is fine, and what I said about it earlier only applies to me (on OS X (maybe (insert Lisp joke here))). I have heard it is a macro that maps roughly to the next example, which uses strtol(), a more general-purpose function, to do the converstion instead:

char *num = "1024";
int val = (int)strtol(num, (char **)NULL, 10); // strtol = STRing TO Long

strtol() works like this:

long strtol(const char *str, char **endptr, int base);

Converts *str to a long, treating it as if it were a base base number. If **endptr isn't null, it holds the first non-digit character strtol() found (but who cares about that).

Chris Lutz
There are no thread issues with atoi (it has no static data) and it is not deprecated. In fact it is functionally equivalent to: #define atoi(x) (int)(strtol((x), NULL, 10)
Evan Teran
Well damn. My manpages are old.
Chris Lutz
The issue with atoi is that it uses 0 as a "can't find a number here" value, so atoi("0") and atoi("one") both return 0. If that doesn't work for what you're using it for, look for strtol() or sscanf().
David Thornley


is there a way that i can check if the input is either a int or a char?



When I need to do something like this I prebake an array with the values I want.

const static int lookup[256] = { -1, ..., 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, .... };

Then the conversion is easy

int digit_to_int( unsigned char c ) { return lookup[ static_cast<int>(c) ]; }

This is basically the approach taken by many implementations of the ctype library. You can trivially adapt this to work with hex digits too.

Michael Anderson