




I was attempting to dynamically create a Where predicate for a LINQ2SQL query:

...Where(SqlMethods.Like(r.Name, "%A%") ||
         SqlMethods.Like(r.Name, "%B%") ||
         SqlMethods.Like(r.Name, "%C%") || ...)

A, B, C, etc. come from some array. So I tried the following:

var roleExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Role), r);
var nameExpression = Expression.Property(roleExpression, "Name");
var termExpression = Expression.Constant("%" + term[i] + "%");
var likeExpression = Expression.Call(
    typeof(SqlMethods), "Like",
    new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, nameExpression, termExpression);

However, the last line fails with the message No method 'Like' on type 'System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods' is compatible with the supplied arguments.

So I tried the following line:

var likeExpression = Expression.Call(null,
    typeof(SqlMethods).GetMethod("Like", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }),
    nameExpression, searchTermExpression)

This works. However, I don't understand what the difference is between these two lines. In my opinion they should deliver the same result.

Could anyone explain this?

Kind regards,
Ronald Wildenberg

+3  A: 

I believe that the Type[] argument is for generic type parameters - i.e. you were trying to call:

SqlMethods.Like<string,string>(...); // note the <string,string>

Try passing an empty Type[].

Edit re the confusion (comments); my point is: you shouldn't be specifying anything for the Type[] argument. Either an empty array or null would do; for example:

var likeExpression = Expression.Call(
    typeof(SqlMethods), "Like", null, nameExpression, termExpression);
Marc Gravell
There is no SqlMethods.Like method that accepts generic type arguments, so this can not be the difference between both calls.
Ronald Wildenberg
You missed the point of my reply... it is preciseley ***because*** of this that it fails... (generic type args)
Marc Gravell
Ah, I see. As always it's a matter of reading the documentation carefully. Thanks for your reply.
Ronald Wildenberg
I'm very sorry, but I do not have enough reputation to vote up your answer... I'll come back as soon as I have.
Ronald Wildenberg
No problem - feel free to mark as answered if you like, though... (the tick)
Marc Gravell

You can use the PredicateBuilder class from Joseph Albahari and Ben Albahari to build your where predicate

Pop Catalin

The answer is the next: Expression.Call(Nothing, GetType(System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods).GetMethod("Like", New Type() {GetType(String), GetType(String)}), New Expression() {left, right})

I'm afraid my Spanish isn't that good...
Ronald Wildenberg