Lately I've been dealing with Magento (a PHP eshop framework) which makes extensive use of XML files to determine how it should behave. Seeing as documentation isn't Magento's strong suit, I've come to a point where it would help a lot if I started keeping a record of the possible configurations of these XML files; what element can go where, why, what it means, what its value should look like, etc.
As a result I've been looking for the best way to create this documentation in such a way as to make it trivial to look up information as I'm creating the XML file. Of course this started with Magento, but it applies to XML in general.
So far I've used PersonalBrain which, I have to say, lends itself well to this kind of thing. I was wondering, however, if there is a better/preferred way of doing this. Ideally it should be free and have the ability to share this information later on in some widely-used format (for example HTML).