



Is there a better/shorter way to handle (lots of) null references, for example when I'm using LinqToXML.

I wrote this extention for XElement that handles it quite nicely, but maybe there is another way?

And what about the function name? "And" isn't really descriptive.

public static class XmlExtentions
    public static T And<T>(this T obj, Func<T, T> action) where T : XElement
        return obj == null ? obj : action(obj);

internal class Program
    private static void Main()
        //create example xml element
        var x = 

        //old way
        var test1 = x.Element("find");
        if (test1 != null) test1 = test1.Element("name");

        //using the extentions method
        var test2 = x.Element("find").And(findme => findme.Element("name"));


PS: I know I could use XPath for this example, but that's not always the case in more complex cases.

+4  A: 

The overall approach is reasonable - although I'm not sure about the Func<T,T> which seems a bit restrictive. If you are limiting to returning the same thing, I wonder if just accepting the name (string) as the second arg wouldn't be easier?

Re naming - perhaps borrow from LINQ? This is essentaially a Select - how about SelectOrDefault:

public static TResult SelectOrDefault<TSource, TResult>(
    this TSource obj, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) where TSource : class
    return SelectOrDefault<TSource, TResult>(
        obj, selector, default(TResult));

public static TResult SelectOrDefault<TSource, TResult>(
    this TSource obj, Func<TSource, TResult> selector,
    TResult @default) where TSource : class
    return obj == null ? @default : selector(obj);

(edit) maybe with the additional XElement specific:

public static XElement SelectOrDefault(
    this XElement element, XName name)
    return element == null ? null : element.Element(name);
Marc Gravell
I like the first example, although I could just edit my code to "where T : class" and have almost the same result. But the ability to return other types is a nice extra!
Ward Werbrouck