I've had a good look through a load of MS documentation only to find a tree view like structure to the use of sitemaps. I don't suppose anyone's aware of how it's possible to have a folder-like structure for sitemap navigation? Take for example a structure as follows
The "About" and "Contact" would be folders, but the sitemap is never hierarchical on a single page. So, I would have my root page with two menu items, one would be "Home" which acts like a folder to drill down into the about and contact menus, and the other is a link to the page for the disclaimer. I want to be able to click on Home which will reload the menu with the links for "About" and "Contact" and hide "Home" and "Disclaimer" altogether.
Home >
Then click on home and you would get
About >
Contact >
Then when clicking on about you'd get
My Family
My Pets
Every menu would have an "up" menu to come back out a folder.
I can't see there being an easy solution, but at the moment we use static html pages that are in different folders all over our web application. This is something that needs changing as you can well imagine.
Any ideas?
I've had to come up with a VB.NET solution
<script runat="server">
Private Function GetSecondaryNavItems() As String
Dim sRet As String = ""
Dim oCurrNode As System.Web.SiteMapNode = Nothing
Dim oCurrParentNode As System.Web.SiteMapNode = Nothing
'Dim sCurrPage As String = GetURL(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME").ToLower())
Dim sCurrPage As String = GetURL(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME").ToLower())
oCurrNode = GetCurrentNode(sCurrPage, SiteMap.RootNode)
If Not oCurrNode Is Nothing Then
oCurrParentNode = oCurrNode.ParentNode
End If
If Not oCurrParentNode Is Nothing Then
If Not oCurrParentNode Is SiteMap.RootNode Then
sRet += "Parent Folder Link"
If Not oCurrNode Is Nothing Then
For Each oChild As SiteMapNode In oCurrParentNode.ChildNodes
sRet += "Link for child"
End If
End If
End If
Return sRet
End Function
Private Function GetURL(ByVal fullURL As String) As String
Return fullURL.Substring(fullURL.LastIndexOf("/"))
End Function
Private Function GetCurrentNode(ByVal _sCurrentPageURL As String, ByVal _oNode As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNode
Dim oNodeRet As SiteMapNode = Nothing
For Each oNodeCheck As SiteMapNode In _oNode.ChildNodes
If oNodeCheck.HasChildNodes = True Then
oNodeRet = GetCurrentNode(_sCurrentPageURL, oNodeCheck)
End If
If oNodeRet Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
Dim sURL As String = oNodeCheck.Url.ToLower()
Dim iPos As Integer = sURL.IndexOf("?")
If iPos > 0 Then
sURL = sURL.Substring(0, iPos)
End If
iPos = sURL.LastIndexOf("/")
If iPos > 0 Then
sURL = sURL.Substring(iPos)
End If
If sURL = _sCurrentPageURL Then
oNodeRet = oNodeCheck
Exit For
End If
Return oNodeRet
End Function
This is in the master page file directly (temporary, I'll place it in the code behind model later).
I've then got this in the body
<div id="sidebar">
<%= GetSecondaryNavItems() %>
Again, temporarily just to test. It doesn't actually output anything but then I'm thinking my GetURL definition is incorrect. I was assuming it was just getting the actual file? I could be very wrong though :)
EDIT EDIT: For some reason I'm not getting any output, so I thought it was my sitemap. I'll need to debug it but I'm remoting in at the moment so it's quite slow ;)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="Accounts/Default.aspx" title="Accounts" description="Accounts">
<siteMapNode url="Accounts/Test.aspx" title="Client Balances" description="Client Balances">
<siteMapNode url="Hello.aspx" title="Hello" description="rarar" />
<siteMapNode url="Hiya.aspx" title="Hiya" description="rarar" />
<siteMapNode url="Test.aspx" title="Test" description="rarar" />
Here's the example sitemap.