



I've seen a few different naming schemes throughout multiple languages when it comes to many-to-many relationships, so I was wondering: what naming scheme do you use for naming these relationships? Please include the platform for which you are developing.

Use Posts and Tags as examples for the tables that would be related.


  • PostsTags
  • Posts_Tags
  • PostTagAssociations
  • posts_tags
  • etc...
+3  A: 

In MSSQL, I use names of the form:


I like this because it clearly indicates you're dealing with a relationship table, and it calls out both tables you're dealing with.

+10  A: 

I've never had a strict convention for this, but in the instance of Users and Roles it would be Users_Roles with the "dominant" table taking place on the left.

+1 - I think I might use this one
John Rasch
+1 Much more succinctly said than mine. Although I'd personally drop the _.
@Randolpho: The _ can make the typing of it a bit less user friendly, but I think in the grand scheme of things it makes it easier to differentiate between other tables from the eye's perspective.
What do you do when there are more than one M:N table between the same two tables?
Karen Lopez

If I have a table 'posts' and a table 'tags' I call my relationship table:


+5  A: 

Preferring camelcase and singular rather than plural, I would use e.g. PostTag and UserRole for the examples given. The primary reason is that this is the most natural way to express the content of the table in spoken or written language.

Equivalents would be post_tag and user_role.

Thus I can speak sensibly of a specific UserRole, UserRole records (or UserRoles, to abbreviate a multiple).

In this way the domain sense of the terms is reinforced over the technical sense, and it's easier to speak naturally with stakeholders who are not techies.

le dorfier
One of the issues with CamelCase as an answer is that many tools and DBMSs don't support mixed case names. So, for instance, Oracle does not and your names would be all upper case.
Karen Lopez
+3  A: 

I developed my table naming scheme over the years (MSSQL databases), so my current guidelines may change "without notice":

Tables are named in singular (except for SQL keywords, such as Roles or Users), camelcase where needed. I switched from earlier Table_ Type (typing records in table Table) to TableType.

n:m relations are named Table1_ Table2. Therefore my solution would be Post_Tag.

I guess the only relevant thing is that you pick a naming scheme and stick to it throughout a project.





Alex. S.
+1  A: 

I use "PostsXTag "


I would name the tables in question as follows:


Typical naming conventions for tables suggest that you use the singular in your table name. Not Posts, but Post. That's subjective, of course, but I think it's currently prevailing opinion. It's certainly mine, regardless. :)

That said, at my current place of employment, I would be forced to name PostTags as PostTagsXref. Why? Simply because the DB guys are afraid that anyone not familiar with a weak/associative entity won't understand why the table doesn't have a single auto-incrementing primary key.

Disagree. Post(singular)Tags(plural) implies a one-to-many relationship. This would be appropriate in a situation such as "PostComments".
I see where you're coming from and, again, it's subjective. In this case, PostTags *is* a one-to-many relationship (0-*, actually), a Post having zero or more Tags associated with it. So the name makes sense, because the natural attribute is that a Post has Tags.
+2  A: 


Also this enforce to name all entities in singular.

Alex. S.

Continuing with the example of Users and Roles, I like UserRoles or User_Roles.

I do not like the singular use. Your table is for associating many roles to a user so say it like it is - plural.

For the primary table names I also like to stick with plural names because the tables contain multiple records. "Users" makes more since than "User" because you have multiple users defined within the table's data.

Ian Suttle
But nonetheless, one record is one User and one Role. UseRoles would require multiple records.
le dorfier
When you store one user in your table, feel free to call it User. :)
Ian Suttle
+3  A: 

Must sound good in English:



I've seen and used posts_x_tags and posts_2_tags

I prefer the first purely for aesthetic reasons, and I prefer these forms because they don't imply directionality (as "per" does for example).


I have used PKTable_FKTable_mapping before

Kyle Trauberman

I tend to do something more natural language-oriented, like name it users_have_roles or something along those lines.

+6  A: 

I use camelcase, singular names separated by a "cross". For example:


That way you always remember that is a many-to-many table. And the User_Roles would look very similar to UserRoles (if you have other roles such as ApplicationRoles)

Diego Jancic
+1  A: 

I like to use something that describes the data for what it is, rather than just tacking the names together from the two tables. This way it will also make sense should the linking table become more functional at a later time.

In this case, I would go for either PostTags or TagPosts.


We do :

  • Users
  • Posts
  • UserPosts (one to many/ one users->x posts)
  • relUsersPosts (real many to many)

And for definition (lookups):

  • defUserType

Not my favorite scheme, but it works out ok as long as your table names aren't crazy. It has the benefit of grouping your AxB tables, but because of that it also hides them out of the way (which is confusing at times.)

But if you didn't do that (prefix), which would you choose: UsersPosts/PostsUsers/UserPost?

Andrew Backer
+1  A: 

Agree mainly with BlackWasp. I think tables should be named descriptively and not simply tacked onto each other. Not only because the linking table can be more functional, but sometimes the relationship doesn't stay as simple as a plain old many to many. There are perfectly good designs where two linking tables are linked together. Do you simply include all four names in your table?

To answer the present example, PostTags makes sense to me because it is the most descriptive.

Also it depends on the db. Strangely, with case sensitive db's such as mysql, I would use post_tags instead. This is in keeping with what I've seen the most common conventions to be in terms of underscores and casing.


I usually name the table to reflect the relationship, since n:m relationships are often not symmetric - usually you're adding one thing to another thing.

For example, if I had your post and tag tables my relationship table would be post_has_tag.

Dave Webb

I normally do something like xref_PostsTags

Chris Lively

For many-to-many and one-to-many I use this type of naming schema:


If ItemA contains many ItemB's, I'll add an S suffix onto ItemB. Otherwise its just ITEMA_ITEMB


what about double relationships? by example: tables equipment and employee, you could have and employee as a supervisor and an employee as the operator of the machine, what i do is name the relation tables as employee_supervisor_equipment and employee_operator_equipment, what's your opinion?

+2  A: 

First try to find the business term that describes the M:N table. The best place to look is in the names of the relationships between the entities in your data model.


In this example the word signature is a clue that the association between CUSTOMER and CONTRACT is some sort of signature or authorization.

Then only if there is no natural business term for the associative table, try the concatenation methods mentioned in other answers. I only use those concatenation approaches when all else fails, as the business rarely refers to the concepts of the M:N in those terms....but they do understand signatures and authorizations.

Karen Lopez