


+1  Q: 

Dynamic Columns

Here's my problem. I am passing in a parameter let say it's called ShapesSelected. ShapeSelected = ",Square, Triangle, Circle,". The problem is ShapeSelected could be any of the the shapes so it is never static.

Base on this parameter I want to add 3 column to the right of a table in the report. Is this possible? I've starting coding it in Custom Code in Report Properties but I am stuck as in how to add the column.

Public Function GetReportShapes( ByVal ShapesSelected As String )
Dim Shapes() As String Dim result As String Dim i As Integer

Entities = Split(ShapesSelected ,", ")

For i = 0 To UBound ( Shapes)
         Select case Shapes(i)
           case "Square": 'add Square Column here
                case "Rectangle": add Rectange Column here  
           case "Triangle": add Triangle Column here
    End Select  
Next i

End Function

Thus rendering the columns like this:

Square Triangle Circle

Thanks for looking.

+1  A: 

Add all the columns you need and use the hidden or visible property (I forget which) with vb expressions to turn them on and off.
