I have a FileUpload control (FileUpload1) on my web form, as well as a "Sumbit" button, a label, and a hidden field that contains a UserID. I have the following code in the button's click event:
string path = Server.MapPath("~/userfiles/");
if (FileUpload.HasFile)
FileUpload1.SaveAs(path + UserID.Value + "/image.jpg");
Label1.Text = "* unable to upload file";
Label1.Visible = true;
It works great if I upload an actual file. However, if I type a non-existent filename (for example, "c:\a.jpg", which does not exist on my computer) into the FileUpload's textbox, and click the Sumbit button, HasFile still returns true. Furthermore, SaveAs() does not throw any exceptions, and it is a void function that returns no value indicating success or failure. How do I tell whether a file was actually uploaded?