Before you down vote this question, I realize there are a few other questions but they are all asked with the notion that the OP wants to be a master, long-term, C# programmer. my question is different in that I don't want to be a master C# programmer, nor do I want to 'switch' to C# so I can program everything in it.
I am wondering if anyone knows of any good books, or online resources, that have the assumption that you want to program in C# for 20 to 40 minutes per day? I have been looking at C# as a language and it interests me, but I would prefer to use C# casually. The book, Learning Perl, by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, brian d foy has the assumption that you are a casual Perl user and you want to be able to write useful and effective scripts in only tens of minutes per day. I am looking for the C# equivalent that has 'no fluff' and allows you to get started writing C# in a short amount of time.
I realize C# and .NET are large in scope and features so if there is a book that allows you to get quick-started with C# but also covers more advanced features, that is fine as well.
I have taken a look at Jon Skeet's review page and will take those books into consideration but I have also found the book Essential C# 3.0: For .NET Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition) and it looks like a good book. It has positive reviews, too.