I am trying to add the following custom sql to a finder condition and there is something not quite right.. I am not an sql expert but had this worked out with a friend who is..(yet they are not familiar with rubyonrails or activerecord or finder)
status_search = "select p.*
from policies p
where exists
(select 0 from status_changes sc
where sc.policy_id = p.id
and sc.status_id = '"+search[:status_id].to_s+"'
and sc.created_at between "+status_date_start.to_s+" and "+status_date_end.to_s+")
or exists
(select 0 from status_changes sc
where sc.created_at =
(select max(sc2.created_at)
from status_changes sc2
where sc2.policy_id = p.id
and sc2.created_at < "+status_date_start.to_s+")
and sc.status_id = '"+search[:status_id].to_s+"'
and sc.policy_id = p.id)" unless search[:status_id].blank?
My find statement: Policy.find(:all,:include=>[{:client=>[:agent,:source_id,:source_code]},{:status_changes=>:status}], :conditions=>[status_search])
and I am getting this error message in my log:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Operand should contain 1 column(s): SELECT DISTINCT `policies`.id FROM `policies` LEFT OUTER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.id = `policies`.client_id WHERE ((((policies.created_at BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND '2009-03-10' OR policies.created_at = '2009-01-01' OR policies.created_at = '2009-03-10')))) AND (select p.*
from policies p
where exists
(select 0 from status_changes sc
where sc.policy_id = p.id
and sc.status_id = '2'
and sc.created_at between 2009-03-10 and 2009-03-10)
or exists
(select 0 from status_changes sc
where sc.created_at =
(select max(sc2.created_at)
from status_changes sc2
where sc2.policy_id = p.id
and sc2.created_at < 2009-03-10)
and sc.status_id = '2'
and sc.policy_id = p.id)) ORDER BY clients.created_at DESC LIMIT 0, 25):
what is the major malfunction here - why is it complaining about the columns?