+2  A: 

In the Tools menu go to Options:

Environment - Task List

Here you can enter Tokens.

I have TODO as a token, but it is not highlighting it in the editor window ... do I need to change something else? Thanks!
This won't highlight the words in source. It will only add them to the task list
sorry, yes, jared is correct
Weird, LuckyLindy says it's not the answer, but it still is. Just trying to up your accept rate by any chance? :)
+4  A: 

Visual Studio supports custom syntax highlighting through the Managed Package Framework.


In Visual Studio:

Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Task list

There you can add any user=specified words, and it will appear in your task list any time you make a build and view the task list, in the same manner that //TODO: appears.

Ash M
+1  A: 

I think you're looking for custom-defined keyword highlighting: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zy61y8b8%28VS.80%29.aspx

Chris M