



I recently run into trouble when trying to AddRange(IEnumerable) to a List. Probably a classic issue, but I do not really get it yet.

I understand that methods expecting a List parameter are not satisfied with a List, because they might try to add a Base to the List, which is obviously impossible.

But if i get this correctly, since IEnumerables themselves cannot be changed, it ought to work in this case.

The code i thought of looks like this:

class Foo

class Bar : Foo

class FooCol
 private List<Foo> m_Foos = new List<Foo> ();

 public void AddRange1(IEnumerable<Foo> foos)
  m_Foos.AddRange (foos); // does work

 public void AddRange2<T>(IEnumerable<T> foos) where T : Foo
  m_Foos.AddRange (foos); // does not work

class Program
 static void Main(string[] args)
  FooCol fooCol = new FooCol ();

  List<Foo> foos = new List<Foo> ();
  List<Bar> bars = new List<Bar> ();

  fooCol.AddRange1 (foos); // does work
  fooCol.AddRange1 (bars); // does not work

  fooCol.AddRange2 (foos); // does work
  fooCol.AddRange2 (bars); // does work

I tried to pass a hint to the compiler in the AddRange2 method, but this just moved to problem around.

Is my way of thinking flawed? Is this a limitation of the language or is it by design?

IIRC, support for this kind of operations was added to Java 1.5, so maybe it will be added to C# at some point in the future, too...?

+13  A: 

This is covariance, and will be fixed in C# 4.0 / .NET 4.0. For now, the generic option is the best answer (for IEnumerable<T> - not IList<T> etc).

But within the generic method, you have to think in terms of T. You could also use Cast<T> or OfType<T> with LINQ to achieve something similar.

Marc Gravell
Thank you for the new term, covariance. Didn't know about the existence.
Sung Meister

There is workaround with extension method:

public static IEnumerable<TBase> ToBaseEnumerable<TBase, TDerived>( this IEnumerable<TDerived> items ) where TDerived : TBase {
    foreach( var item in items ) {
        yield return item;
IEnumerable<Employee> employees = GetEmployees(); //Emplyoee derives from Person
DoSomethingWithPersons( employees.ToBaseEnumerable<Person, Employee>() );

but the "<Person, Employee>" is little bit awkward :/.

Cast<Person>() would be simpler...
Marc Gravell

This seems to be (effectively) a duplicate of this recent SO thread.

+1  A: 

In C# 3.0 you can use the "Cast" extension method. If you import System.Linq and then use this code:

public void AddRange2<T>(IEnumerable<T> foos) where T : Foo
    m_Foos.AddRange (foos.Cast<Foo>());

Then it should work for you.

Scott Wisniewski

The cast solution of course might generated class cast exceptions. The person who posted the enumerable extension work around said it was awkward. I came up with a solution which is only half as awkward, don't know if I'll use it:

public static class UpTo<T>
    public static IEnumerable<T> From<F>(IEnumerable<F> source) where F:T
        // this cast is guaranteed to work
        return source.Select(f => (T) f);


IEnumerable mammals = UpTo<Mammal>.From(kennel.Dogs)