+1  A: 

Place a TypeConverter attribute on each property too..

I have a TypeConverter on the class itself. However, to ensure that there wasn't a trick to it, I did place a TypeConverter (that converts to/from string) on an attribute to see if it worked. It didn't. =(
Sorry :( Have you tried providing a common base class or interface, if possible? If not, you might have to revert to some magic with property descriptors and ensure you return the same instance (of the PropertyDescriptor) for all instances.
+1  A: 

From your description it seems you are talking about the effectiveDiameter of type double. But in your sample you are showing a UITypeEditor for the umConversion class. So, please clarify.

If you are in the second case, where your property is actually a class of your own and not a primitive type, then ensure to implement the Equals method. The MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry class in the MS PropertyGrid calls Equals to know if all target instances have the same value. Not sure if this is your problem, but I would test that to eliminate this possibility.

Nicolas Cadilhac
YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!I had a "Equals()" test, but there was a typo in it. THAT was my problem all along. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!!