



I have this radio tag:

<input name="phoneRadio" class="phoneRadio" id="rbDefaultPhone" 
    type="radio" checked="<%# GetIsChecked(Eval("IsDefault")) %>"/>

in a repeater and GetIsChecked is a c# function which return bool value, my problem that its not affecting the checked value of the radio button the right way, Any one know how to fix that?

+3  A: 

Just having the checked attribute on the input is enough to make it checked. In HTML, you just need to have checked in there, in XHTML, it should be checked="checked", but either way, you'll want to exclude the whole attribute if it isn't checked.

That is, GetIsChecked should (be renamed and) return either "checked='checked'" or String.Empty. You will then call it just in the input tag itself, not as the value for the checked attribute (which you should remove). It'll look something like this:

<input name="phoneRadio" class="phoneRadio" id="rbDefaultPhone" type="radio" <%# GetChecked(Eval("IsDefault"))%> />


protected string GetChecked(object isDefault)
    return (bool)isDefault ? "checked='checked'" : string.Empty;