I am using Ninject to load serveral modules. When two modules try to bind two different implementations for an interface, ninject raises an error that multiple binding for a service are not allowed.
All other IoC frameworks I'm using (Unity, Windsor, Spring.net, etc) all have the ability to 'register' multiple implementations for an interface.
Let me give a real life example:
public class HealtMonitorEmailAlertServiceModule : StandardModule
public override void Load()
public class HealtMonitorSmsAlertServiceModule : StandardModule
public override void Load()
public class Program
static void Main()
var emailService = new HealtMonitorEmailAlertServiceModule();
var smsService = new HealtMonitorSmsAlertServiceModule();
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(emailService, smsService);
The above generates an exception, i would expect it to resolve the type registered in the last module to load into the kernel. I have tried the exact same approach using Autofac and it works as I expected.