



I'm in the process of porting a Java program to .NET using IKVM. Unfortunately IKVM's Graphics2D implementation throws a NotImplementedException in drawGlyphVector, i.e. it needs to be "fleshed out" with a .NET implementation (or by reducing it to calls of other IKVM Graphics2D methods which are implemented).

Any ideas for an equivalent in .NET which I could use to provide an implementation for that method in IKVM?

Edit #1: My first hunch was to simply call GlyphVector.getOutline() and then fill that shape. Unfortunately, getOutline() threw its own NotImplementedException.

Well it seems that now I'm looking for an alternative to GlyphVector itself: NetGlyphVector, the IKVM version of Glyphvector is basically just a stub class with nearly all methods currently throwing NotImplementedExceptions...

So does anyone know a .NET equivalent to Java's GlyphVector class?