



We have a situation where we want to define a relationship where a class (named Module) may or may not be related to a Module object that is a predecessor to it. There can be zero or none predecessors. The class looks like this:

public class Module
    public int Id

    // other stuff here

    public Module Predecessor

And we have defined our mapping so that Predecessor is a property of type Module like so:

<class name="Module">
    <Id name="Id">
        <generator class="native/>
    <property name="Predecessor" type="Module" "unique="true"/>

However we are getting complaints about the mapping not being able to compile because it cannot find the type "Module". We have tried the long name for the class


and the fully-qualified name for the class

type="STC.EI.JobSubmissionSystem.Data.Domain, STC.EI.JobSubmissionSystem.Data"

to no avail. My question is:

Are we mapping this properly, and if not then how do we map it properly?

+2  A: 

You could use the many-to-one element:

<class name="Module">
    <Id name="Id">
        <generator class="native"/>
    <many-to-one name="Predecessor" class="Module" column="predecessor_id" />

Note that you need a column in your table to define the relation.

Darin Dimitrov
This is correct. I just wanted to add that the reason it doesn't compile is that you can't specify domain classes in a 'type' attribute; you have to use one of the elements that support the 'class' attribute (like many-to-one).
Stuart Childs
@darin - Ahh, thanks for the info, this solution worked!@Stuart - helpful tip, thank you! We were getting a lot of errors that it couldn't find the type with the original mapping
Jeffrey Cameron