I have a question concerning functions with jQuery. I have a function that once the browser is ready the function finds a specific table and then adds hover & click functionality to it.
I am trying to call this function from code behind in an asp .net page due to the fact that once someone adds to the database the update panel fires and retrieves a gridview (the table that has been affected by the function at document.ready). When it comes back it is the plain table again.
Here is the original functions:
$("#GridView1").find("tr").click(function(e) {
var row = jQuery(this)
//var bID = row.children("td:eq(0)").text();
//Took out repetitive code, places values from table into modal
$('#modalContentTest').modal({ position: ["25%", "5%"] });
//here is the function that adds hover styling
$("#GridView1").find("tr").click(function() {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length
}).css({ background: "ffffff" }).hover(
function() { $(this).css({ background: "#C1DAD7" }); },
function() {
$(this).css({ background: "#ffffff" });
OK, what I tried to do is create a function, call it on document.ready and also in the code behind when after the database has been updated.
Here's what I did:
function helpGrid() {
$("#GridView1").find("tr").click(function(e) {
var row = jQuery(this)
//var bID = row.children("td:eq(0)").text();
$('#modalContentTest').modal({ position: ["25%", "5%"] });
//Haven't even tried to add the hover stlying part yet; can't get this to work.
When I try to call helpGrid(); I get an error that's it not defined...
Obviously I'm a jQuery newb but I do have jQuery in Action & I'm scouring it now looking for an answer...
Please help..