I'm in the planning stage of a MS3D parser and looking through the specs I see that a vertex struct has a boneId variable. Is a "bone" a synonym of a joint? So, is that boneId variable then an index of the joints array? If not, then what is a bone and where does it come into play? I was always under the impression that a bone connects two joints but I can't find any notion of a bone on this spec. Is it incomplete?
EDIT: What is a bone, then? The bone structure is not defined in that header file. Can someone show me a more complete spec for the MS3D format or is this just something that I should be able to infer?
EDIT2: Not so much "what is a bone" as much as, where are the bones? Does the ms3d file include bones in the file too and the spec is wrong? How can I load these bones so that I can see which joints affect the vertex?
EDIT yet again: I found a more recent spec for version 4, but it still does not define a bone. What am I missing??
Edit4: I'm starting to see the connection. Obviously joints form bones. Since joints have a parent joint, they form a tree (for some reason I was thinking they were just randomly connected). So then I can form a tree of bones, and I guess the first joint with a defined parent in the file would form bone 0, and then next joint with a parent forms bone 1 with its parent, and so on? Is this correct? I wish the two specification files I found explicitly said this...