



I'm asking this question after reading this answer on StackOverflow.

The supplied answer works great for allow you to move a whole control. But supposed I have a Usercontrol I've created like so:

<UserControl x:Class="WpfTest.UserControl1"
    Height="300" Width="300">
    <Border Background="Blue">

                <RowDefinition Height="26"></RowDefinition>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <Canvas Grid.Row="0" Background="orange"></Canvas>
            <Canvas Grid.Row="1" Background="Purple"></Canvas>

I only want the control to move when I'm mouse clicking on the header part of the control, Grid.Row[0] (orange part). I don't want the control to respond to drag operations when clicking on the rest of the control.

How can I accomplish this?


I found a really great example on CodeProject called DiagramDesigner. This should get you started in the right direction. CodeProject, DiagramDesigner4

Sorry Jeff, but I'm not seeing anything in there that relates this particular problem.
Chris Holmes
+1  A: 

Assuming you're using the DraggableExtender.CanDrag attached property, you can set up a trigger to turn this on and off depending on whether the mouse is over your orange header:

<UserControl x:Class="WpfTest.UserControl1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="300" Height="300">
            <Setter Property="(DraggableExtender.CanDrag)" Value="False"/>
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsMouseOver, ElementName=headerCanvas}" Value="True">
                    <Setter Property="(drag:DraggableExtender.CanDrag)" Value="True"/>
    <Border Background="Blue">
                <RowDefinition Height="26"></RowDefinition>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <Canvas x:Name="headerCanvas" Grid.Row="0" Background="orange"></Canvas>
            <Canvas Grid.Row="1" Background="Purple"></Canvas>
Robert Macnee
Thanks Robert. I think I found something even more to my liking with the Thumbs (something I didn't know about before I posted that question). Appreciate the answer though; I may use that on a different control.
Chris Holmes
+1  A: 

So, after some digging around, I solved my problem. The solution was to utilize a Thumb.

My UserControl XAML looks like this:

<UserControl x:Class="WpfTest.UserControl1"
    Height="300" Width="300">
    <Border Background="Blue">

                <RowDefinition Height="26"></RowDefinition>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <Canvas Grid.Row="0" Background="orange"></Canvas>
            <Thumb Grid.Row="0" Background="Cyan" DragCompleted="OnDragComplete" DragStarted="OnDragStarted" DragDelta="OnDragDelta" ></Thumb>
            <Canvas Grid.Row="1" Background="Purple"></Canvas>

We can see the addition of the Thumb with a different color, which covers up the orange header (letting me know the thumb is actually there).

Code behind for the Thumb events looks like this:

public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
        private bool _isDragging;
        private double _x;
        private double _y;

        public UserControl1()

        private void OnDragComplete(object sender, DragCompletedEventArgs e)
            _isDragging = false;


        private void OnDragStarted(object sender, DragStartedEventArgs e)
            _isDragging = true;

            _x = (double)GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty);
            _y = (double)GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty);


        private void OnDragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs e)
            if (!_isDragging) return;

            _x += e.HorizontalChange;
            _y += e.VerticalChange;

            SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty,_x );
            SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty,_y );

And this got me exactly what I wanted. One question did remain: I see some tearing of the usercontrol when I move it around. It's just not a smooth drawing effect, and I can't seem to find a way to eliminate that. Any clues?

Chris Holmes