



I'm using Emacs and Mono on Windows so that I can retain the same development environment while I'm in GNU/Linux.

So I need to know what the directory structure of an ASP.NET project and which files are critical to its operation (config files, etc.).

+2  A: 

You will need a web.config in the root dir as well as all of your aspx files. The only other thing you really need will be a bin dir under the root to hold your assemblies.

Andrew Hare
+1  A: 

Use MonoDevelop.

Geoffrey Chetwood
I'm not switching IDEs just to work on some projects. I'm asking for the directory structure/important-files list.
@omouse: It is a bit silly to go an use a text editor when you could use an IDE. Your choice though.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich Mono has already been developed. It's called the "kissing disease."
@BTK: Good thing you will never have to worry about getting that one!
Geoffrey Chetwood
Once Novell ship MonoDevelop for Windows, I guess it will be packaged in Mono installer too. Then you don't need to switch IDE from Emacs. You can just use MonoDevelop to create a project to start with.
Lex Li
+1  A: 

I would just make a templated project from the IDE and then use that every time you make a new project.

+2  A: 

You only really need the Bin folder and web.config as someone mentioned already.

But if you are not using a web project (compiled site) then you'll need the App_Code folder to place your code files in so the site knows what to compile at runtime.
