Actually, you shouldn't use Cocoa retain, release, autorelease on Core Foundation objects in generality. If you're using Garbage Collection (only on Mac OS X for now), those retain, release, autorelease calls are all no-ops. Hence memory leaks.
From Apple
It is important to appreciate the asymmetry between Core Foundation and Cocoa—where retain, release, and autorelease are no-ops. If, for example, you have balanced a CFCreate… with release or autorelease, you will leak the object in a garbage collected environment:
NSString *myString = (NSString *)CFStringCreate...(...);
// do interesting things with myString...
[myString release]; // leaked in a garbage collected environment
Conversely, using CFRelease to release an object you have previously retained using retain will result in a reference count underflow error.
PS: can't seem to comment on Peter Hosey's answer - sorry for adding my own unnecessarily.