I know this is a little old, but it looked like an interesting challenge. If you paste this into a module and run it, it'll produce a text file with the RecordSource for every form and the RowSource for every ComboBox or ListBox with a RowSourceType of "Table/Query". If I'm remembering correctly, that should get you every property where a query could be used. If I'm not remembering correctly, you can tweak the code to grab the others or to change the format of the output.
If you wanted to dump all properties of all forms, you could do a for each loop in the properties collection of the form and write that to a file. The issue there is that forms have certain properties, like PrtMip and PrtDevName, that are structures and therefore break the write or writeline methods, so if you were going to try to write those to a file you'd have to do some special handling first. Also, I believe the bookmark property can be problematic as well.
Sub ListProperties()
Dim frm As Object
Dim ctl As Control
Dim fs As Object
Dim file As Object
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\FormProps.txt", True)
For Each frm In CurrentProject.AllForms
DoCmd.OpenForm frm.Name, acNormal, , , , acHidden
Next frm
For Each frm In Forms
file.writeline (frm.Name)
file.writeline (String(Len(frm.Name), "-"))
file.writeline "RecordSource" & Chr(9) & frm.Properties("RecordSource")
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
With ctl
Select Case .ControlType
Case acComboBox, acListBox
If .RowSourceType Like "Table/Query" Then
file.writeline Chr(9) & .Name & Chr(9) & "RowSource" & Chr(9) & .RowSource
End If
End Select
End With
Next ctl
Next frm
For Each frm In Forms
DoCmd.Close acForm, frm.Name
Next frm
End Sub