



Is there a way to achieve the equivalent of a negative lookbehind in javascript regular expressions? I need to match a string that does not start with a specific set of characters.

It seems I am unable to find a regex that does this without failing if the matched part is found at the beginning of the string. Negative lookbehinds seem to be the only answer, but javascript doesn't have one.

EDIT: This is the regex that I would like to work, but it doesn't:


So it would match the 'm' in 'jim' or 'm', but not 'jam'

+8  A: 


newString = string.replace(/([abcdefg])?m/, function($0,$1){ return $1?$0:'m';});
That worked! Thanks!
+3  A: 

Mijoja's strategy works for your specific case but not in general:

js>newString = "Fall ball bill balll llama".replace(/(ba)?ll/g,
   function($0,$1){ return $1?$0:"[match]";});
Fa[match] ball bi[match] balll [match]ama

Here's an example where the goal is to match a double-l but not if it is preceded by "ba". Note the word "balll" -- true lookbehind should have suppressed the first 2 l's but matched the 2nd pair. But by matching the first 2 l's and then ignoring that match as a false positive, the regexp engine proceeds from the end of that match, and ignores any characters within the false positive.

Jason S
Ah, you are correct. However, this is a lot closer than I was before. I can accept this until something better comes along (like javascript actually implementing lookbehinds).
amen to that! :)
Jason S
+1  A: 

Here's a writeup on several ways to mimic lookbehind in JavaScript.