I've been programming for a long time now, but I'm not the world's most experienced.Net developer. I recently picked up a project that is using Forms authentication for their website. I first looked at forms authentication in .Net 1.1 and at that time it had some limitations that made me decide not to use it as my primary form of authentication.
This project requires that users have roles (which I understand forms authentication supports) and group memberships. For example "User A" is an "Admin" for "Company A". Does forms authentication now support this sort of user structure?
I've also read that forms authentication sends passwords back as plain text. This client does not use SSL. Is this true?
The current code base uses forms authentication, but does not support groups (it does support roles). So, I need to either modify the forms authentication to support the required groups or rip out the forms authentication and use the Authentication framework I normally use. If forms authentication does support groups and is secure enough, then I should stick with that. If forms authentication has security issues or does not support groups then I need to remove that form of authentication.
I've searched the internet for a pros-and-cons sort of article, but no luck. What do you guys think?