I'm trying to do something which I thought would be fairly simple. Get IIS 7 to tell clients they can cache all images on my site for a certain amount of time, let's say 24 hours.
I have tried the step on http://www.galcho.com/Blog/PermaLink.aspx?guid=490f3c31-1815-40fc-a871-5d6899fa35e0 but to no avail. I still get requests going to the server with 304s being returned.
Does anyone have a way of doing this? I have a graphically intensive site and my users are being hammered (so is my server) every time they request a page. Wierdly the images seem to have "Cache-Control private,max-age=3600" showing up in Firebug but the browser is still requesting them when I press F5.
Thanks Chris