



I'm working a a project for a new web app. I'm identifying the key points of functionality, and one thing that I clearly don't know how to approach is as follows:

Once per minute the server needs to run a series of calcs on its data, and post new derived summaries.

So in essence what I need is a way to run a server side script once per minute, reliably, even when users aren't active.

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5, C# for the web interface. Using SQL 2005 for the data back end.

I suppose all the data thats being changed is SQL side, so the script could function completely there if thats more workable.

Thanks for any suggestions.


nothing cronjob like on win machines?

+2  A: 

Place an item in the cache with a minutes expiry. Make sure you assign it a call back method for when the item is dropped. After a minute the item is removed your call back runs. Do you stuff there then add the item to the cache again.

+1  A: 

There are two options for "background" processing on a web site. You could not do it as part of the site, but rather do it in a windows service (can use the same business objects an everything) or you can do it in a background thread started in the web app. We've used both with success, different ones in different places. In our Application_Start we do:

//Submit background thread to update time left hospital
System.Threading.Thread checkoutThread = 
  new System.Threading.Thread(BackgroundThread.CheckoutUpdate);
checkoutThread.IsBackground = true;
checkoutThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;

Where BackgroundThread.CheckoutUpdate is defined as public static void CheckoutUpdate()


Get Sql Server to do it all. Create a stored procedure to perform the operation, and set up a job within Enterprise Manager -->Management--> Jobs. Tell the job to call the stored procedure.

+1  A: 

Can't you just use System.Timers?

using System;
using System.Timers;
namespace App
    class Program
        static void TimerEvent(object s,ElpasedEventArgs arg)
            //handle your stuff here
        static void Main()
            Timer t = new Timer(60000); //60 seconds * 1000 = 60.000
            t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimerEvent);

just in case you didn't know..
