I have a website that attracts about 30,000 visitors per month. It has a lot of photos and PDF files which eat up a good deal of bandwidth. It's hosted by site5.com, which offers unlimited bandwidth & storage for ~$5 per month. According to site5's statistics, my site has about 20 GB of downloads per day, but I've seen it as high as 116 GB. Uploads range from 5-15 GB daily. (Though, I don't really upload things everyday, so I don't know where they get those numbers from.)
In anticipation of growing my site even more, perhaps by hosting videos, high-res photos, etc., I was looking into other storage options, even though site5 has been pretty good. Specifically, amazon.com's Simple Storage Service (S3) looks pretty good and is supposed to be a "highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure."
Using Amazon's Simple Monthly Calculator, I multiplied out my worst-case scenario numbers:
Storage: 2 GB
Data Transfer-in: 15 GB/day * 31 days = 465 GB/month
Data Transfer-out: 116 GB/day * 31 days = 3596 GB/month
With those numbers alone, the calculator estimates my monthly bill to be a whopping $658.27!!! That's insane! Is anyone here using S3? Are your bills outrageous?