This is probably a question for an x86 FPU expert:
I am trying to write a function which generates a random floating point value in the range [min,max]. The problem is that my generator algorithm (the floating-point Mersenne Twister, if you're curious) only returns values in the range [1,2) - ie, I want an inclusive upper bound, but my "source" generated value is from an exclusive upper bound. The catch here is that the underlying generator returns an 8-byte double, but I only want a 4-byte float, and I am using the default FPU rounding mode of Nearest.
What I want to know is whether the truncation itself in this case will result in my return value being inclusive of max when the FPU internal 80-bit value is sufficiently close, or whether I should increment the significand of my max value before multiplying it by the intermediary random in [1,2), or whether I should change FPU modes. Or any other ideas, of course.
Here's the code I am currently using, and I did verify that 1.0f resolves to 0x3f800000:
float MersenneFloat( float min, float max )
//genrand returns a double in [1,2)
const float random = (float)genrand_close1_open2();
//return in desired range
return min + ( random - 1.0f ) * (max - min);
If it makes a difference, this needs to work on both Win32 MSVC++ and Linux gcc. Also, will using any versions of the SSE optimizations change the answer to this?
Edit: The answer is yes, truncation in this case from double to float is sufficient to cause the result to be inclusive of max. See Crashworks' answer for more.